Relato de una Fan: Dandole la Bienvenida a Junsu en el Aeropuerto de Beijing

Hoy Junsu vino a Beijing, estaba tan emocionada que no dormie bien anoche y me desperte a las 6:00 am.
a las 6:20, una amiga me envio un mensaje de texto diciendo que estaba yendo al aeropuerto, y me mantendría informada de la situacion
Nos mantuvimos en contacto todo el tiempo. Estoy tan triste que no pudiera ir, pero ella dijo que ella llevaria mi corazon con ella mientras esperaba a Junsu.
Alrededor de las 12:37 del mediodia, ella me envio un mensaje de texto diciendo " Hermana, aun no esta aqui, hay mucha gente aqui, todos estan emocionados"
Le dije que vaya a comer, ella deberia estar hambrienta. Ella respondio " Hermana, tengo miedo de irme. siempre busco busco en el cielo, porque el avion podria venir."
Ya era de tarde, y Junsu aun no llegaba.
Alrededor de las 4:42, todos estaban preocupandose, me preguntaron si habian noticias en baidutvxq. Les dije que no habia estado online, asi que no sabia.
Hasta las 5:37, ella de repente envio un mensaje diciendo" Hermana, Junsu fue atravez del pasillo VIP, muchas fans lloraron"
Cuando vi el mensaje, mi corazon parecia disecado. Asi que respondi preguntando " estan todos bien? no se sientan mal, siempre y cuando Junsu conozca nuestro corazon, esto es probablemente lo mejor pra ellos, deberiamos ser compresivos"
Despues de un rato, Aun no tenia respuesta, asi que estaba preocupada que algo haya pasado,a si que pregunte que estaba pasando.
Soon there was a reply saying “Sis, the scene is very messy, Junsu asked his parents to come out and comfort everyone, to be careful”
pronto hubo una respuesta diciendo "Hermana, la escena es muy confusa, Junsu pidio a sus padres para salir y confortar a todos, ser cuidadoso"
Despues de ver esto, mi corazon se sintio regocigado, como si viera la personalidad de Junsu.
De repente cuando pense que todos esos quienes despertaron temprano, que estuvieron 1-2 horas manejando hacia el aeropuerto y esperaron por la llegada de Junsu.
Maybe they hurriedly ate breakfast and rushed on their way
talvez ellos apresuradamente tomaron el desayuno y se apresuraron en su camino.
talvez ellos se saltearon el almuerzo temerosos que perdieran el vuelo
talvez ellos esperaron no importa que, y esperaron con paciencia
Cuando pense acerca lo tristes ellos deberian haber estado cuando les dijeron que Junsu se fue atravez del pasillo VIP
talvez muchos de ellos lloraron como un niño
talvez muchage tente no los entenderian
llorar, no hay nada malo con eso. Es una expresion de amor
Junsu entiende nuestro corazon, Sus padres no salieron? Junsu debe haber estado conmovido.
no lloren mas. Mañana, podemos verlo en vivo. Luegon podremos gritar tan alto como podamos. Mañana, podemos mostrarle cuan apasionados somos!

creditos: 允是最爱@baidutvxq
Traducido al ingles y compartido por: sharingyoochun.net
Traducido al español: 2uangels.blogspot.com


 Today Junsu came to Beijing, I was so excited that I didn’t get a good sleep last night and woke up at 6:00
At 6:20, a friend text me saying she’s going to the airport, and will keep me informed of the situation
We kept in touch the entire time. I’m so sad I couldn’t go, but she said she would take my heart with her while she wait for Junsu
Around noon 12:37, she send a text saying “Sis, he is still not here yet, there are so many people here, everyone is so excited”
I told her to go eat, she would be hungry. She replies “Sis, I’m afraid to leave. I always look look up to the sky, because the airplane may come.”
It was afternoon already, and Junsu still didn’t arrive
Around 4:42, they were all getting worried, asked me if there were any news on baidutvxq. I told them I haven’t been online, so I didn’t know
Until 5:37, she suddenly sent a text saying “Sis, Susu went through the VIP passage, so many fans cried.”
When I saw the text, my heart seem stuffed. So I replied asking “is everyone alright? Don’t feel sad, as long as Junsu knows our heart, this is probably the best for them, we should be understanding.”
After a while, I still didn’t get a reply, so I was worried that something happened, so I asked what was going on
Soon there was a reply saying “Sis, the scene is very messy, Junsu asked his parents to come out and comfort everyone, to be careful”
After seeing this, my heart felt warm, as if I saw Junsu personally.

Suddenly when I thought of those that woke up early, that had 1-2 hour drive to the airport and waited for Junsu’s arrival
Maybe they hurriedly ate breakfast and rushed on their way
Maybe they skipped lunch afraid that they would miss the flight
Maybe they waited no matter what, and waited with patience
When I thought about how they sad the might have been when they were told Junsu left through the VIP passage
Maybe a lot of them cried like a kid
Maybe a lot of people wouldn’t understand them
Cry, there’s nothing wrong with it. It is an expression of love
Junsu understands our heart. Didn’t his parents come out? Junsu must have been touched
Don’t cry anymore. Tomorrow, we can go watch him live. Then, we can scream as loud as we can. Tomorrow, we can show him how passionate we are!

credit: 允是最爱@baidutvxq
trans+shared by: sharingyoochun.net

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