Hola, Cassiopeias!
Creemos que la mayoría de ustedes supieron de las noticias de AVEX corp.
que estan deteniendo las actividades de TVXQ(dong Bang shin Ki/ Tohoshinki).
Sin embargo, debe ser más difícil para el mismo TVXQ, que para nosotros mismos.
Vamos hacerles un refugio para que descansen sus corazones, almas y mentes.
Estamos ahora haciendo un proyecto llamado "Show Me Your Love".
Para participar, por favor suban una imagen con tu mensaje lleno de amor.
Todos pueden participar si son fans de TVXQ, incluso aunque no esten registrados en DNBN.
También, puedes subir cualquier tipo de imagen; fotos, fotos escaneadas, dibujos, ilustraciones, etc.
No hay un formato específico o dimensiones que tengan que mantener.
Pero por supuesto, deben estar sus verdaderos corazones y apoyo para TVXQ en las imagenes que subiran.
El periodo para subir es desde el 13 de Abril al 12 de Mayo.
Despues del 12 de mayo, tus imagenes seran mostradas en la primera página de DNBN. (
Muestranos tu amor! Siempre seran capaces de visitar la imagen del foro incluso despues que el proyecto termine.
Por favor no duden en participar y apoyar a TVXQ!
Click Aqui
번역- 먹어주는유천님 감사합니다
N/T: Para subir su foto, cuando entren a la página dada, en la parte inferior izquierda hagan click donde diga
![Image and video hosting by TinyPic](
Trad al Español:
Hello, Cassiopeias!
We believe that most of you got the news from AVEX Corp.
that they are stopping the activity of TVXQ(Dong Bang Shin Ki/Tohoshinki).
However, it would be harder for TVXQ themselves, than for us.
Let’s make a shelter for them to rest their hearts, souls and minds.
We are now making a project named “Show Me Your Love”.
To participate, please upload an image file with your message filled with love.
Everybody can participate if you are TVXQ’s fan, even though you are not registered to DNBN. (
Also, you can upload any kind of images; pictures, scanned photos, drawings, illustrations, etc.
There is no specific format or dimension that you have to keep.
But of course, there should be your true hearts and support for TVXQ in the images you will upload.
The uploading period is from April 13th to May 12th.
After May 12th, your images will be displayed on the front page of DNBN. (
Show us your love! You will always be able to visit the image forum even after the event ends.
Please do not hesitate to participate and support TVXQ!
Click to here
번역- 먹어주는유천님 감사합니다
We believe that most of you got the news from AVEX Corp.
that they are stopping the activity of TVXQ(Dong Bang Shin Ki/Tohoshinki).
However, it would be harder for TVXQ themselves, than for us.
Let’s make a shelter for them to rest their hearts, souls and minds.
We are now making a project named “Show Me Your Love”.
To participate, please upload an image file with your message filled with love.
Everybody can participate if you are TVXQ’s fan, even though you are not registered to DNBN. (
Also, you can upload any kind of images; pictures, scanned photos, drawings, illustrations, etc.
There is no specific format or dimension that you have to keep.
But of course, there should be your true hearts and support for TVXQ in the images you will upload.
The uploading period is from April 13th to May 12th.
After May 12th, your images will be displayed on the front page of DNBN. (
Show us your love! You will always be able to visit the image forum even after the event ends.
Please do not hesitate to participate and support TVXQ!
Click to here
번역- 먹어주는유천님 감사합니다
세상에서 제일 멋있고 자랑스럽고 고마운 동방신기에게 전하는
사랑 또는 응원의 메세지가 담긴 사진을 아래 게시판에 업로드하여주세요!
동방신기 팬이시라면 회원/비회원 상관없이 모두 참여하실 수 있으시며
사진, 스캔본, 그림, 일러스트 등등 jpg/gif/png 파일이시면 다 가능하십니다
형식이 따로 있는 것도 아니고 사진의 크기도 상관없습니다!
진심을 담은 응원과 약간의 정성은 필요합니다!
기간은 2010. 04. 13부터 2010. 05. 12까지이며
동네방네 대문을 일정기간동안 여러분의 사진으로 장식하게 됩니다
show me your love! 게시판은 마감 후라도 언제든지 구경가능하십니다
우리 서로 어깨 토닥여주면서 힘내기로해요
어떨땐 백가지 말보다 한마디의 말이 더 힘이 되기도 합니다
별님들의 많은 참여부탁드립니다!
Click to here
*이벤트 성격과 맞지않는 글은 무통보 삭제됩니다
+) 태그를 입력할 수 없습니다 이점 유의해주세요
비회원분들도 글을 쓰실 수 있기 때문에 이름 입력란에는 팬픽, 여성향의 닉네임 및 특수문자, 기호를 쓰지 말아주세요
자동 코딩이라 깨져서 보입니다 ㅡ.ㅜ
4月3日、東方神起としての活動を休止するという avex の発表がありました。
誰よりもつらい思いをしている東方神起のメンバーに、雨や風を避けて一休みできる shelter を
題して『Show me your love!』あなたの愛を見せて下さい! project!!!!! ジャジャ~ン!
東方神起のファンであれば 会員/非会員 関係なく誰でも参加できます。
写真、スキャンファイル、絵、イラストなど jpg/gif/png ファイルであれば可能です。
期間は 2010. 04. 13から 2010. 05. 12までで
show me your love! 掲示板は締め切り後もいつでも見ることができます。
Click to here
번역 - 찬이님 감사합니다
名为“Show me your love!” project!!!!!!秀出你们的爱吧!!!
所以就算“Show me your love!”公示活动结束,任何时间都可以观看。
Click to here
+)切记禁止添加tag(标签), 因非会员也能发帖,
번역 - 해피바이러스님 감사합니다
Source: DNBN
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