Tohomobile Staff Blog- Junsu


Tuvo un ensayo para "Girl's Awards 2010"!
Junsu siempre lleno de espíritu luchador cuando está de pie frente a los fans.

Incluso durante su descanso, incluso despues de que los bailarines se habian ido a casa; aún estaba solo pensando en cómo debía hacer para darles a todos una agradable presentación...
A todos los que vendran mañana, por favor animen a XIAH junsu apasionadamente ♪

Fuente: Tohomobile + linhkawaii
Trad al Ingles: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
Trad al Español: 2uangels.blogspot.com
Creditos: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }



He had rehearsal for "Girl's Awards 2010"!
JunSu always full of fighting spirit when standing in front of fans.

Even during his break time, even after the dancers have gone home; he was still, by himself, thinking of how he should do to give everyone an enjoyable performance…
To everyone who is coming tomorrow, please cheer for XIAH junsu passionately ♪

Source: Tohomobile + linhkawaii
Translation: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
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