Revista "The Television" - Entrevista a Yunho

Me gustaria actuar junto a Matsu Takako-San. Señoritas mayores que yo son dulces y encantadoras tambien.

"Sin limite~Heading to the ground~", el cual fue uno de los temas mas comentados, desde que el lider de Tohoshinki Yunho habia tomado el rol protagonico, sera el DVD mas esperado! sera lanzado el 16 de Junio.

"Desde que fue mi primera vez actuando, tuve muchas presiones, pero pense que no habia una gran diferencia entre actores y artistas. Si esta la melodia en los guiones, sera musica. He estado actuando diferentes personajes para cada cancion, asi que puedes decir que tienen en comun. Sobre todo, pienso que mis sentimientos podria ser transmitido si di lo mejor, asi que de actue de todo corazon en el rol de Cha Bong Gun."

Bong Gun es un hacedor de problemas, causando disturbios alrededor de el. Pero en el fondo, el es solido, puro y apasionado, esos son caracteristicas comunes con Yunho.
"tambien pense que los personajes son similares durante la actuacion. En el principio, Bong Gun facilmente se molesta, el es mentalmente inmaduro. Pero conociendo mucha gente, el crece. Esta vez, fue mi primer drama y que el sitio de locacion y staff difiere de los horarios regulares, era una nueva experiencia todos los dias, y habia algunas dificultades. Sin embargo, actuar en este drama, Creo que fui capaz de madurar, como persona."

Yunho se paro en contra de muchas dificultades en el drama. Cuales fueron los puntos, de los cuales el se puede reir?
"Creo fueron unos dias antes del debut, los dias de entrenamiento. Desde que estaba viviendo en una region loca en ese momento, tomo cuatro horas tan solo venir e ir. Mis habilidades en canto y baile estaban mas pobres que ahora, y experimente dificultades. Peru tuve un sueño que un dia cantaria en un escenario, asi que fui directo a mis lecciones siempre con mucha pasion."

A traves de esos dias, Yunho es ahora una estrella que representa Asia. pero su conscienzudo esfuerzo y modestos modales no han cambiado en absoluto.
"porsupuesto incluyendo dramas, me gustaria tomar el desafio para diferentes atmosferas en el futuro. A fin de hacerlo, voy a hacer un continuo esfuerzo. Quiero ser una persona trabajadora mas que nadie mas."

Por ultimo, si quisieras actuar en un drama japonese, con quien te gustaria actuar?
"Matsu Takako-san. Cuando vi "HERO" (2001, Fuji TV), su personaje era inteligente, alegre y tambien sexy. Realmente senti su encanto. De una manera, ella es mi heroina. Damas mayores que yo son dulces y encantadoras tambien."

Fuente: The Television Vol 19 & Heroko
Traduccion al ingles: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Traduccion al español: 2uangels.blogspot.com
Creditos: OneTVXQ.com



I would like to perform together with Matsu Takako-san. Ladies older than me are sweet and lovely, too.

"No Limit ~Heading To The Ground~", which were the hot topics, since Tohoshinki's leader Yunho had taken the leading role, will be the long-awaited DVD! It will be released on June 16.

"Since it was my first time to act, I had many pressures, but I thought that there was no big difference between actors and artists. If there is the melody on the scripts, that will be music. I have been performing different characters by each song, so you can say that they are common. Above all, I thought that my feelings could be conveyed if I did my best, so I wholeheartedly performed the role Cha Bong Gun."

Bong Gun is a trouble maker, causing trouble around him. But, at heart, he is solid, pure, and passionate, those are common characteristics with Yunho.
"I also thought that the characters are similar during my acting. In the beginning, Bong Gun easily gets angry, he is mentally immature. But meeting many people, he grows up. This time, since it was my first drama and that the location site and staffs differ from regular times, there were new experiences everyday, and there was some difficulty. However, performing in this drama, I think that I was able to get matured, as a person."

Yunho stood up against many difficulties in the drama. What are those points, which he can now laugh away!?
"I think it was the days before my debut, the trainee days. Since I was living in a local region that time, it took 4 hours just to come and go. My dancing and singing abilities were far poor than now, and I experienced hardships. But I had a dream that one day I can sing on stage, so I went through my lessons always with full passion."

Going through those days, Yunho is now a star that represents Asia. But his conscientious efforts and modest ways have not changed at all.
"Of course, including dramas, I would like to take the challenge for many images in the future. In order to do so, I will make continuous efforts. I want to be hardworking person than anybody else."

Lastly, if you want to perform in a Japanese drama, who would you like perform with?
"Matsu Takako-san. When I saw 'HERO' (2001, FujiTV), her character was intelligent, cheerful, and also sexy. I really felt her charm. In a way, she is my heroine. Ladies older than me are sweet and lovely, too. (Lol)"

Source: The Television Vol 19 & Heroko
Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com
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