Dong-A- Ilbo (Donga Daily) News (Korean)
2010-01-27 12:02
Raro escenario, mas de 3,000 asientos fueron llenados con los fans de TVXQ en el "Centro cultural de Sejong" donde una performance del musical "Mozart!" fue presentada el 26. El lugar fue llenado con los fans de TVXQ para ver a uno de los miembros, Kim Junsu (nombre artistico Xiah Junsu) quien interpretó el papel principal del musical Mozart en ese día.
Incluso un revendedor de entradas apareció para vender a las fans cerca de los 20 años. Esta es la primera aparición del Sr. Kim (N/T: El editor escribio Sr. Kim aqui, el cual es culturalmente apropiado para los artistas de musicales o de ópera).
15 presentaciónes (más de 45,000 asientos) que el Sr. Kim aparecerá, se agotarón a finales del año pasado despues de un intervalo de venta adelantada de las entradas en solo tres horas. Y la primera presentación se previó para parecer el lugar de concierto de TVXQ.

Los fans se apresuraron para tomar la primeras fotos de Sr. Kim en el lobby del centro cultural de Senjong en este día, y también cada vez que el Sr. Kim terminaba de cantar durante su presentación en el musical, los fans le dieron grandes ovaciones.
Los fans incluso alzaron su voz gritando "AH!" en la escena donde el Sr. Kim se besa con su co-estrella 콘스탄체.
(N/T: Su nombre es pronunciado “Constanche”. Aqui esta escrito en Coreano)
EMK compañia de producción musical fijo a 35 hombres de seguridad por la venta adelantada y la confirmación de las entradas para esta presentación.
Solo los fans que compraron por adelantado confirmaron mediante cartas fueron capaces de entrar al area del lobby.
EMK estableció restricciones en el area de entrada para garantizar la seguridad del Sr. Kim y de la audiencia.
Tomarán el mismo paso para la presentación del 28 y lo harán público en un futuro próximo para aclarar a su mayor seguridad para el futuro.
Sr. Kim también estará apareciendo en la presentaciones de Mozart en Taegu, (del 26 de Febrero al 7 de Marzo) 7 veces, y el servidor que fue derribado en el momento de la venta de entradas el 13 por el interes masivo de los fans para adquirir una entrada.
Donga Daily News TV: Xiah Mozart
Always Keep The Faith!
Fuente Credit: Don-A-Ilbo News
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Compartido por: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Dong-A- Ilbo (Donga Daily) News (Korean)
2010-01-27 12:02
Rare scenery, that more than 3,000 seating’s were filled up with the TVXQ fans at the Seoul world sect, “Sejong Cultural Center”
where a performance of the musical “Mozart” was opened on the 26th. The place was filled with the TVXQ fans to watch the TVXQ member
Kim Junsu (stage name Xiah Junsu) who played the leading role of the musical Mozart on this day.
Even a ticket tout appeared to sell the ticket to women fans of around the age of 20 years old. This is the first musical appearance for Mr. Kim. (*T/N: Korean news editor wrote Mr. Kim here, which is culturally appropriate sir name for the musical or opera performer.)
15 times of his performances (more than 45,000 seats) that Mr. Kim appears are sold out at the end of last year after an interval of
ticket advance sale only in three hours. And the first stage performance was predicted to appear to be the concert place of TVXQ.
2010-01-27 12:02
Rare scenery, that more than 3,000 seating’s were filled up with the TVXQ fans at the Seoul world sect, “Sejong Cultural Center”
where a performance of the musical “Mozart” was opened on the 26th. The place was filled with the TVXQ fans to watch the TVXQ member
Kim Junsu (stage name Xiah Junsu) who played the leading role of the musical Mozart on this day.
Even a ticket tout appeared to sell the ticket to women fans of around the age of 20 years old. This is the first musical appearance for Mr. Kim. (*T/N: Korean news editor wrote Mr. Kim here, which is culturally appropriate sir name for the musical or opera performer.)
15 times of his performances (more than 45,000 seats) that Mr. Kim appears are sold out at the end of last year after an interval of
ticket advance sale only in three hours. And the first stage performance was predicted to appear to be the concert place of TVXQ.

The fans hurried up to take the first hand photos of Mr. Kim at the Sejon Cultural Center lobby on this day,
and also every time Mr. Kim finished singing during his musical performance, the fans gave him great cheers.
The fans even raised their voice yelling “AH!” when the scene where Mr. Kim kissed with the co-star, 콘스탄체.
(*T/N: Her name is pronounced “Constanche” here written in Korean. Is she Korean?)
EMK musical production company appointed 35 male guards for an advance sale confirmation and the ticket confirmation for this performance.
Only the fans that brought an advance sale confirmation letter messages were able to enter the lobby area.
EMK set the entrance area restrictions into consideration to secure the security of Mr. Kim and the audiences.
They will take the same step for a performance on the 28th and they will make it public in the near future
to clarify their security majors for the future performances.
Mr. Kim is also appearing in Mozart at Taegu performance, (from February 26 to March 7) for five times,
and the server was downed at the time of the ticket sell on the 13th for the massive interest of the fans to purchase the advance sale ticket.
Donga Daily News TV: Xiah Mozart
Always Keep The Faith!
source Credit: Don-A-Ilbo News
translated by:
shared by: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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