Fui capaz de llegar tan lejos gracias a su amor. Gracias"
Xiah Junsu, quien exitosamente debutó como un actor de musicales a través de 'Mozart!', dió un agradecimiento especial a sus fans a la caida del telón en su última presentación el 20.
Xiah Junsu dijo, "Estoy agradecido de verlos a todos por que ha pasado bastante tiempo desde que hable asi con todo ustedes," y "Debido que hubo muchas cosas dificiles pasando antes Escogí esta pieza, tuve duda al principio cuando me pidieron por primera vez toma este papel."
Sonreía brillante mente y continuó diciendo, "Sin embargo, Creo que soy capaz de estar de pie ante ustedes en este lugar por el staff, los actores y etodos me tratan como familia," y "Espero ser capaz de madurar más y convertirme en un mejor Mozart."
El inesperado comentario sorpresa de Xiah Junsu fue recibido por las ovaciones y aplausos de los fans. Esto marcó el nacimiento de una nueva "Estrella Msucial" en la Cultura de Performaciones Coreana.
Xiah Junsu dió un final con una expresión empapada en emociones, y el eleco completo hicieron al forma de una corazón con sus brazos para agradecer a los miembros de la audiencia por su apoyo. Alguna lágrima escaparon de algunos fans ya que se sintieron conmovidas y decepcionadas de que el fin haya llegado. Incluso despues que la presentación habia terminado y todas las luces habian sido encendidas de nuevo, las audiencia era incapaz de dejar sus asientos, cautivados por las persistentes imagenes de 'Xiahzart!'.

Caracter absorbido con un excelente control de Voz... La creación de un nuevo Mozart con su propio color.
Xiah Junsu fue capaz de dominar y cautivar su audiencia y el escenario hasta la última escena de la última presentación con una apasionana interpretación. Parecía como si él, quien estaba sobre el escenario la mayoria del tiempo durante los 140 minutos de presentación,incluso disfrutó solo estar en el escenario. Su tensión nerviosas del pasado ahbía desaparecido y condujo la escena con al actuación que brindó sus fortalezas.
Aunque este era solo su debut, fue capaz de llevar naturalmente el escenario. Gracias a su cuidadosa afinación, 'Mozart!' fue uan comedia en momentos, y una tragédia en otros. su carisma, que capturó el escenario asi como a los 3022 miembros de la audiencia, no tuvo ningún problema en tomar en el autentico Musical Autriaco.
Mozart, quien grita desde los sentimientos de estar atrapado en vórtice de generaciones y sueños de amor y libertad, fue dinamicamente retratado con jeans rasgados y cabello rasta. Su expresión se volvió más relajada y fue suficiente para recrear la vida de un genio compositor quien escribió la música del universo. Esto fue por que la audiencia fue capaz de verse inmersa en la presentación más cómodamente que antes.
De amnera eficaz mostró la ajustada tensión que fue creada del choque de Mozart con la sociedad y las batallas internas, y su inocencia, alegría relajada, la hostíl relación entre los otros roles. Su excepcional control sobre su voz y cuerpo le dió la habilidad de dar cohibidas reacciones que se convirtieron en las bases detalladas de actuación para otros actores.
Cada meticulosa respiración, la que parecía tener calculada cada una por adelantado, y cada minuto el temblor de su mano fue una herramienta brillante que lo ayudo a desarrolar aún más su imagen como un atormentado músico genio, y su asombrosa habilidad de absorber su caracter fue capaz de enriquecer más la presentación.

"Yo soy música"... Soliloquio de Mozart podría ser la confesión de Xiah Junsu
Durante su 15 presentaciones, Xiah Junsu fue capaz de silenciar los críticos que lo señalaron cuando comenzó con su entrega de líneas aún era escasa. Él creó un nuevo y único Mozart con su propio color y estilo. Esto claramente muestra Cuanto trabajó para perfeccionar su rol en 15 shows.
La cautivadora voz de Xiah Junsu conmovió a la audiencia asi que cada miembro de esta fue capaz de conectarse con el espectáculo. La música naciente de sus labioshizo sus corazones latir más rápido. Los 33 miembros de la orquesta solo añadieron más a la atmósfera.
Él, cuya explosiva energía sacudió el escenario, no era más el Xiah Junsu del grupo ídolo TVXQ. La razón de por qué el compositor Sylvester Levay asintió con la cabezaa, dio dos pulgares arriba y sumamente alogió al cantante se hizo más evidente conforme el espectáculo progresaba. Xiah Junsu probó que su poder de la entrada que se agotaron todos los asientos en el teatro no era solamente por su popularidad. Ha ganado este lugar entre la ovaciones de la audiencia y los elógios de los críticos.
"Soy el amestro en mi música"
"Quiero seguir caminando por mi sendero!"
"Amame por quien soy"
Habia momentos en que los soliloquios de Mozart sonaban como las propias confesions de Xiah Junsu.
En al última presentación la explosión del 'Ad-lib' de "Xiahzart!"... Desarmó la tirante tensión en un instante

Xiah Junsu quien se transformó en un músico genio que sueña con el amor y la liberta y amor en 'Mozart!', Fascinó a la audiencia con su explosivo ad-libs durante su última presentación en Seúl el 20.
Xiah Junsu, quien mostró excelente actuación y reprodujo la vida de un músic dotado por Dios, usó su ferte conección con sus compañeros del elenco para dar a la audiencia una experiencia diferente y alegre con inesperado ad-libs.
La primera vez que captó la atención de las personas fue la escena 12. Mientras Mozart se mezclaba con la Familia Weber difrazado en un feria en Viena y memorizaba cuatro idiomas de carta, inesperadamente dijo las palabras 'TVXQ' y 'Xiah Junsu'. Los fans inmediatamente aplaudieron de deleite.
Durante la escena en la que Mozart conoce a Constanze y se enamora de ella, él ligeramente levanta su falda como vemos a los pequeños niños hacerlos cuando estan jugando y prefectamente retradado a un rlajado Mozart.
El punto culminante fue al escena 14. Despues que la distracción del Principe Arzobispo Colloredo causa a Mozart perder una oportunidad de performar en frente del emperador, el músico se enfrenta a Colloredo y declara que nunca dejará Viena. Durante esta confrontación, Xiah Junsu espetó 'Bbanggoo Ddonggoo*' y Ming Young Gi dijo, "Bbanggoo Ddonggoo? qué es eso?" y "Chambelán Arco, Sabes lo que Bbanggoo Ddonggoo es?" hizo a la audienciaestallar en risas.
Los ad-libs que estallaron durante la escenas tensas desarmaron la tirante tensión en un instante y mejoraron los niveles de concentración. Los ad-libs entre el rápido paso del trama dió al espectáculo más vida e hizo la experiencia más agradable.
Los miembros de la audiencia dijeron, "Los inesperado ad-libs, los cuales no afectaron lo original, hizo la atmósfera más alegre," y "Las ingeniosas ad-libs de Xiah Junsu Junsu fueron especialmente el mejor retrato de un brilante lado de Mozart que lo hizo más atractivo."
*"Bbanggoo Ddonggo" es un nombre que Haeri de alta comedia 'Gran Puntapié a través del Tejado' llama asi a las personas que no le gusta y se ha vuelto muy popular en Corea.
Fuente: [ohmynews+DNBN]
Trad al Ingles: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Trad al Español: 2uangels.blogspot.com
Comaprtido por: tohosomnia.net+ 2uAngels
Trad al Ingles: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Trad al Español: 2uangels.blogspot.com
Comaprtido por: tohosomnia.net+ 2uAngels
"I was able to get this far thanks to your love. Thank you."
Xiah Junsu, who successfully debuted as a musical actor through 'Mozart!', gave a special thanks to his fans at the curtain call of the last Seoul performance on the 20th.
Xiah Junsu said, "I am glad to see you all because it's been quite a while since I've talked to you all like this," and "Because there were a lot of hard things going on before I chose this piece, I was hesitant at first when I was asked for the first time to take on this role."
He smiled brightly and continued to say, "However, I believe I am able to stand before you in this spot because the staff, actors and ensemble here treat me like family," and "I hope I'm able to mature more to become a better Mozart."
Xiah Junsu's unexpected suprise comment was greeted by the fans cheers and applause. This marked the birth of a new 'Musical Star' in the Korean performance culture.
Xiah Junsu gave a finale with an expression drenched in emotions, and the entire cast drew hearts with their arms to thank their audience members for their support. A few tears escaped some of the fans as they felt moved and diasppointed that an end had come. Even after the performance had ended and all the lights had been turned back on, the audience was unable to leave their seats, enthralled by the lingering imagery of 'Xiahzart!'
Xiah Junsu, who successfully debuted as a musical actor through 'Mozart!', gave a special thanks to his fans at the curtain call of the last Seoul performance on the 20th.
Xiah Junsu said, "I am glad to see you all because it's been quite a while since I've talked to you all like this," and "Because there were a lot of hard things going on before I chose this piece, I was hesitant at first when I was asked for the first time to take on this role."
He smiled brightly and continued to say, "However, I believe I am able to stand before you in this spot because the staff, actors and ensemble here treat me like family," and "I hope I'm able to mature more to become a better Mozart."
Xiah Junsu's unexpected suprise comment was greeted by the fans cheers and applause. This marked the birth of a new 'Musical Star' in the Korean performance culture.
Xiah Junsu gave a finale with an expression drenched in emotions, and the entire cast drew hearts with their arms to thank their audience members for their support. A few tears escaped some of the fans as they felt moved and diasppointed that an end had come. Even after the performance had ended and all the lights had been turned back on, the audience was unable to leave their seats, enthralled by the lingering imagery of 'Xiahzart!'

Absorbed Character with Outstanding Control of Voice... The creation of a new Mozart with his own color
Xiah Junsu was able to overpower and captivate his audience and the stage till the very last scene at the last show with a passionate performance. It seemed as though he, who was on stage most of the time during the 140 minute performance, even enjoyed just being on stage. His nervous tension of the past had disappeared and he conducted the stage with acting that brought out his strengths.
Although this was only his debut show, he was able to naturally lead the stage. Thanks to his careful tuning, 'Mozart!' was a comedy at times, and a tragedy at others. His charisma, that captured the stage as well as 3022 audience members, did not have any trouble in taking in the authentic Austrian musical.
Mozart, who shrieks from the feeling of being caught in a maelstrom of generations and dreams of love and freedom, was dynamically portrayed with ripped jeans and reggae hair. His expression became more relaxed and was enough to recreate the life of the genius composer who wrote the music of the universe. This was why the audience was able to become immersed in the performance more comfortably than before.
He effectively showed the tight tension that was created from Mozart's clashes with society and internal battles, and his naivety cheerfully relaxed the hostile relationship between other roles. His outstanding control over his voice and body gave him the ability to give restrained reactions that became the foundations for the other actors' detailed acting.
Each meticulous breath, for which he seemed to have calculated each in advance, and each minute trembling of his hand was a brilliant tool that helped him further develop his image as a tormented genius musician, and his amazing ability to absorb his character was able to further enrich the performance.

"I am Music"... Mozart's Soliloquy could be Xiah Junsu's confession
During his 15 performances, Xiah Junsu was able to silence the critics who pointed out when he first began that his delivery of lines was still lacking. He created a new and unique Mozart with his own color and style. This clearly shows how much he worked to perfect his role during the 15 shows.
Xiah Junsu's captivating voice moved the audience so that each audience member was able to connect with the show. The music rising from his lips made hearts beat faster. The 33 member orchestra only added more to the atmosphere.
He, whose explosive energy shook the stage, was no longer idol group TVXQ's Xiah Junsu. The reason as to why composer Sylvester Levay nodded, gave two thumbs up and highly praised the singer became more evident as the show progressed. Xiah Junsu proved that his ticket power that sold out all the seats in the theater was not merely from his popularity. He has earned his place amongst the audience's cheers and the critics' praises.
"I am the master in my music"
"I want to keep walking down my path!"
"Love me for who I am"
There were times when Mozart's soliloquies sounded like Xiah Junsu's own confessions.
At the last Seoul performance "Xiahzart!"'s 'Ad-lib' Explosion... Disarmed taut tension in an instant

Xiah Junsu, who transformed into a genius musician who dreams of love and freedom and love in 'Mozart!', enthralled the audience with his explosive ad-libs during his last Seoul performance on the 20th.
Xiah Junsu, who showcased excellent acting and replayed the life of a musician gifted by God, used his strong connection with his fellow cast members to give the audience a different and joyful experience with unexpected ad-libs.
The first moment that caught people's attention was scene 12. While Mozart mingled with the Weber family under disguise at a fair in Vienna and memorized four letter idioms, he unexpectedly said the words 'TVXQ' and 'Xiah Junsu'. The fans immediately cheered in delight.
During the scene in which Mozart meets Constanze and falls in love with her, he slightly lifted up her skirt as we see little children do when they are playing and perfectly portrayed a laid back Mozart.
The highlight was scene 14. After Prince Archbishop Colloredo's distraction causes Mozart to lose a chance to perform in front of the emperor, the musician confronts Colloredo and declares that he will never leave Vienna. During this confrontation, Xiah Junsu blurted out 'Bbanggoo Ddonggoo*' and Min Young Gi played off this and said, "Bbanggo Ddonggoo? What's that?" and "Chamberlain Arco, do you know what Bbanggoo Ddonggoo is?" and made the audience burst into laughter.
The ad-libs that burst out during tense scenes disarmed the taut tension in an stant and bettered concentration levels. The ad-libs amidst the rapid pace of the plot gave the show more life and made the experience more enjoyable.
The audience members said, "The unexpected ad-libs, which did not affect the original, made the atmosphere more cheerful," and "Xiah Junsu's light yet witty ad-libs were especially better portrayed a bright side of Mozart that made him more appealing."
*"Bbanggoo Ddonggo" is a name that Haeri from sitcom 'High Kick through the Roof' calls people she does not like and has become very popular in Korea.
Source: [ohmynews+DNBN]
Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
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