Josei 7 - Queremos Seguir a Jaejoong
Puedes decir cuán serio está por sus ojos.
(Foto izquierda, JJ con su hermana menor)
Él y MinHa vicen juntos (Kinami Haruka, 24).
Cada día, llevan una vida difícil sólo con sus ingresos.
MinHa es una estudiante de último año de la escuela secundaria y tiene notas sobresalientes por lo que él desea que ella se convierta en doctora...
(Foto izquierda, JJ con su hermana menor)
Él y MinHa vicen juntos (Kinami Haruka, 24).
Cada día, llevan una vida difícil sólo con sus ingresos.
MinHa es una estudiante de último año de la escuela secundaria y tiene notas sobresalientes por lo que él desea que ella se convierta en doctora...
(Foto derecha, JJ recibiendo agua sobre su cabeza)
Él se mete en problemas porque el total de sus ventas no está creciendo y a veces le hacen cosas irrazonables...
Después de filmar esta parte, se estaba secando la cabeza con una toalla y, muy distinto a su personaje, Jaejoong mostró una gran sonrisa. ¡Es realmente un actor!

Un drama que trata de personas jóvenes que se conocen a través de Twitter (sitio en el que puedes escribir hasta 140 carácteres sobre lo que estás haciendo).
Antes de filmar, Jaejoong dijo que estaba nervioso, pero se fue a beber con el elenco y parecía muy cercano a ellos. Jaejoong es tan resistente al alcohol que hizo que Tamayama Tetsuji bebiera hasta el punto de perder la memoria, y cuando intentó competir con Eita obtuvo un no como respuesta.
Pero Eita parece sentirse relajado cuando está con Jaejoong y ya su trabajo en equipo es grandioso. Jaejoong quien muestra la conexión al actuar con talentosos actores. No puedo esperar hasta que el drama salga al aire~
Doctor (Jaejoong 24)
Un vendedor de equipos médicos desde hace 3 años. Él vino hace 5 años con su pequeña hermana Haru, una estudiante.
Trad al Inglés:
Doctor (Jaejoong 24)
Un vendedor de equipos médicos desde hace 3 años. Él vino hace 5 años con su pequeña hermana Haru, una estudiante.
Trad al Inglés:
Trad al Español: Tamari {Forgotten Season}
Por favor tómalo con todos los créditos. ¡Gracias!
(Main Picture JJ with staff)
Jaejoong is listening to the staff passionately.
You can tell how serious he is from his eyes.
(Left pic JJ with lil sister)
He and MinHa live together (Kinami Haruka, 24).
They live hard each day with just his income.
MinHa is a senior in high school and has outstanding grades so he wishes for her to become a doctor…
(Right pic JJ getting water on his head)
He gets in trouble for his sales total isn't rising and at times he gets unreasonable things done to him….
After filing this part he was drying his head with a towel and very different from his character, Jaejoong showed a big smile. He really is anactor!

A drama that draws young people meeting through twitter (site that you write within 140 characters about what your doing).
Before filming Jaejoong said that he was nervous, but he went drinking with the casts and seemed to become very close with them. Jaejoong is so strong with alcohol that he made Tamayama Tetsuji drunk to the point he lost his memory, and he got rejected to compete drinking by Eita.
But Eita seems to feel relaxed when he's with Jaejoong and already their team work is great.
Jaejoong who shows the connection at acting with the talented actors. Can't wait till the drama airs~
Doctor (Jaejoong 24)
A medical equipment salesman in his 3rd year. He came with his little sister who is “Haru’s” student 5 years ago.
Jaejoong is listening to the staff passionately.
You can tell how serious he is from his eyes.
(Left pic JJ with lil sister)
He and MinHa live together (Kinami Haruka, 24).
They live hard each day with just his income.
MinHa is a senior in high school and has outstanding grades so he wishes for her to become a doctor…
(Right pic JJ getting water on his head)
He gets in trouble for his sales total isn't rising and at times he gets unreasonable things done to him….
After filing this part he was drying his head with a towel and very different from his character, Jaejoong showed a big smile. He really is anactor!

A drama that draws young people meeting through twitter (site that you write within 140 characters about what your doing).
Before filming Jaejoong said that he was nervous, but he went drinking with the casts and seemed to become very close with them. Jaejoong is so strong with alcohol that he made Tamayama Tetsuji drunk to the point he lost his memory, and he got rejected to compete drinking by Eita.
But Eita seems to feel relaxed when he's with Jaejoong and already their team work is great.
Jaejoong who shows the connection at acting with the talented actors. Can't wait till the drama airs~
Doctor (Jaejoong 24)
A medical equipment salesman in his 3rd year. He came with his little sister who is “Haru’s” student 5 years ago.
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