Fecha: 13.04.2010
Hora: 15:41
Fuente Coreana: My Daily
Fuente de Artículo: Sohu
subtítulo: La demanda que los 3 miembros de TVXQ tienen con SME aún está en curso.
En la tarde del 13 de Abril, Beijing, de acuerdo a los informes de los medios de comunicación coreanos, hay un nuevo desarrollo en el juicio entre la compañía coreana SM Entertainment y los tres miembros de TVXQ, Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu y Kim Jaejoong. El día 12, SM Entertainment presentó una demanda contra el mandato del contrato temporal decidido por la corte el año pasado.
De acuerdo a un representante de SM, previamente, SM Entertainment ha estado tratando de dejar que TVXQ continue como un grupo, por lo que nunca iniciaron una apelación en contra del mandato del contrato temporal que fue puesto en marcha por la corte. Sin embargo, los 3 miembros no han respondido las peticiones de SM Entertainment, de regresar a las actividades como TVXQ, y también pusieron un alto a sus actividades Japonesas, haciendo que el grupo TVXQ este al borde de la separación, por lo que SM Entertainment inició una demanda. En la demanda presentada el 12, SM entertainment inicia una apelación contra la decisión de la corte, por un interdicto temporal de sus contratos, el cual fue hecho en Octubre del año pasado. También pidieron la confirmación si los contratos de los 3 miembros tienen con SM Entertainment aún se encuentran existentes.
En Julio del año pasado, los 3 miembros presentaron una demanda requiriendo disolver el contrato exclusivo que tenian con SM Entertainment, y la corte Coreana decidió el 27 de Octubre del año pasado realizar una medida cautelar, una concesión parcial de los requerimientos hechos por los tres meimbros, y dictaminó que SM Entertainment no podría interferir con las actividades de los 3 miembros, causando que las actividades de TVXQ en Corea llegue a un punto muerto.
También, al comienzo de este mes, TVXQ detuvo sus actividades Japonesas y es como si fuera un anuncio de que el grupo se ha separado. SM Entertainment presentó una demanda bajo estas circunstancias y todos los ojos estan atentos para ver si habrá un giro en esta situación.
Fuente: [sohu (text from my daily)]
Trad al Ingles: mandasoh@tohosomnia.net
Trad al Español: 2uangels.blogspot.com
Compartido por: tohosomnia.net+ 2uangels
Time: 15:41
Korean source: My Daily
Article Source: Sohu
Caption: The lawsuit that the 3 members of TVXQ have with SME is still underway.
[Sohu Korean Entertainment] On the afternoon of 13th April, Beijing, according to reports by the Korean media, there is new development in the lawsuit between Korean company SM Entertain and TVXQ’s 3 members Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu and Kim Jaejoong. On the 12th, SM Entertainment filed a lawsuit against the temporary contract injunction decided by the courts last year.
According to a SM representative, previously, SM Entertainment has been trying hard to let TVXQ continue as a group, which is why they never raised an appeal against the temporary contract injunction that was put in place by the courts. However, the 3 members have been unresponsive towards SM Entertainment’s requests for them to return to activities as TVXQ, and they also put a stop to their Japanese activities, causing the group TVXQ to be on the brink disbandment, which is why SM Entertainment raised the lawsuit. In the lawsuit filed on the 12th, SM Entertainment raised an appeal against the court’s decision for a temporary injunction of their contracts, which was made in October last year. They also requested confirmation on whether the contracts that the 3 members have with SM Entertainment are still in existence.
In July last year, the 3 members filed a lawsuit requesting to remove the exclusive contract they have with SM Entertainment and the Korean courts decided on 27 October last year to place a temporary injunction, partially granting the requests made by the 3 members, and ruled that SM Entertainment may not interfere with the 3 members’ entertainment activities, causing TVXQ’s activities in Korea to come to a complete standstill.
Also, at the beginning of this month, TVXQ stopped their Japanese activities and it’s as if it was an announcement that the group has disbanded. SM Entertainment filed a lawsuit under these circumstances and all eyes are watching to see if there will be a turnabout in the situation.
source: [sohu (text from my daily)]
translation credits: mandasoh@tohosomnia.net
shared by: tohosomnia.net
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[Sohu Korean Entertainment] On the afternoon of 13th April, Beijing, according to reports by the Korean media, there is new development in the lawsuit between Korean company SM Entertain and TVXQ’s 3 members Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu and Kim Jaejoong. On the 12th, SM Entertainment filed a lawsuit against the temporary contract injunction decided by the courts last year.
According to a SM representative, previously, SM Entertainment has been trying hard to let TVXQ continue as a group, which is why they never raised an appeal against the temporary contract injunction that was put in place by the courts. However, the 3 members have been unresponsive towards SM Entertainment’s requests for them to return to activities as TVXQ, and they also put a stop to their Japanese activities, causing the group TVXQ to be on the brink disbandment, which is why SM Entertainment raised the lawsuit. In the lawsuit filed on the 12th, SM Entertainment raised an appeal against the court’s decision for a temporary injunction of their contracts, which was made in October last year. They also requested confirmation on whether the contracts that the 3 members have with SM Entertainment are still in existence.
In July last year, the 3 members filed a lawsuit requesting to remove the exclusive contract they have with SM Entertainment and the Korean courts decided on 27 October last year to place a temporary injunction, partially granting the requests made by the 3 members, and ruled that SM Entertainment may not interfere with the 3 members’ entertainment activities, causing TVXQ’s activities in Korea to come to a complete standstill.
Also, at the beginning of this month, TVXQ stopped their Japanese activities and it’s as if it was an announcement that the group has disbanded. SM Entertainment filed a lawsuit under these circumstances and all eyes are watching to see if there will be a turnabout in the situation.
source: [sohu (text from my daily)]
translation credits: mandasoh@tohosomnia.net
shared by: tohosomnia.net
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