Acabo de hablar con una unnie coreana acerca de la lesión de Yunho y ella sabe muy bein lo que está pasando. Unnie me dije que Yunho se golpeó la rótula meintras estaba bailando en la sala de practica. Al final, fue incapaz de equilibrarse a sí mismo y cayó. Su tobillo se lastimó un poco. Yunho decidió mantener su lesión como un secreto ya que no quiere que los fans se preocupen.
Unnie dijo por que aún él es capaz de conducir y caminar, no fue a ningun tratamiento a pesar que se siente muy cansado. Solo necesita tener un buen descanso por un mes y todo estará bien. Por lo tanto, Yunho quiere que todos los fans nos se preocupen por él y estará bien.
Fuente: YunhoBaidubar + 被遗弃滴丫头 @ YunJaeBaidubar
Trad al Ingles: sicashinki @
Trad al Español:
Creditos: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Yunho ssi!! siempre teniéndonos en consideración Q_Q
Espero que sanes pronto!! Fighting!>-<
I just spoke to a Korean unnie about Yunho's injury and she is very clear what's going on. Unnie told me that Yunho hit his kneecaps while he was dancing in the practice room. In the end, he was unable to balance himself and fell down. His ankle was hurt a bit. Yunho decided to keep his injury as a secret as he doesn't want the fans to worry.
Unnie said that because he's still able to drive and walk, so he didn't went for any treatment even though he do feel very tired. He just need to have a good rest for a month and everything will be fine. Therefore, Yunho want all the fans not to worry about him and he'll be fine.
Source: YunhoBaidubar + 被遗弃滴丫头 @ YunJaeBaidubar
Translation: sicashinki @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
I just spoke to a Korean unnie about Yunho's injury and she is very clear what's going on. Unnie told me that Yunho hit his kneecaps while he was dancing in the practice room. In the end, he was unable to balance himself and fell down. His ankle was hurt a bit. Yunho decided to keep his injury as a secret as he doesn't want the fans to worry.
Unnie said that because he's still able to drive and walk, so he didn't went for any treatment even though he do feel very tired. He just need to have a good rest for a month and everything will be fine. Therefore, Yunho want all the fans not to worry about him and he'll be fine.
Source: YunhoBaidubar + 被遗弃滴丫头 @ YunJaeBaidubar
Translation: sicashinki @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
Yunho ssi!! always taking care about us Q_Q
I hope you get well soon!! Fighting!>-<
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