
En la premier de ayer del drama, hubieron muchas camaras…!!

Ya que es su primera vez, estaba muy nervioso, pero aún asi él respondió los aplausos/ánimos de todos con su sonrisa ♪

Por cierto, cuando Jaejoong estaba viendo la premier del drama, se puso super agitado en la escena de beso de Tamayama-san (lol).


Super brillante ☆

Jejung apareció en "Waratte Iitomo de esta noche! Especial de Drama de Primavera"! El panel en frente de su sala de descanso es super brillante!

Para estar rodeado de muchos actores y actrices famosos, Jejung estuvo muy nervioso, pero estaba haciendo lo mejor de sí mientras lo disfrutaba ♪

En la pertura del programa, fue muy lindo que Jejung fuera el único que estaba aplaudiendo, no (?) (lol)


Definitivamente tienes que verlo!
Mañana Jejung aparecerá en el segmento 'Telephotne shocking' de "Waratte Iitomo"

Definitivamente tienen que ver Iitomo! Todos, por favor oren por mí para hacerlo bien~!! por Jejung"

Fuente: Tohomobile Staff Blog + linhkawaii
Trad al Ingles: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
Trad al Español: 2uangels.blogpsot.com
Creditos: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }



At yesterday's premier of the drama, there were this many cameras…!!

Since this is his first time, he was pretty nervous, but he still responded to everyone's cheering with his smile ♪

By the way, when JeJung was watching the premier of the drama, he got super excited at Tamayama-san's kiss scene (LOL).


Super brilliant ☆
JeJung appeared on "Tonight's Waratte Iitomo! Spring Drama Special"! The panel in front of his resting room is always super brilliant!!

To be surrounded by many famous actors and actresses, JeJung was very nervous, but he was doing his best while enjoying it ♪

At the opening of the show, it was so cute that JeJung was the only one who was clapping his hands, isn't he (LOL).


You have to definitely watch it~~!!

Tomorrow JeJung will appear on Telephone Shocking Corner of "Waratte Iitomo"!!

You have to definitely watch Iitomo! Everyone, please pray for me to do well on it~!!
by JeJung"

Source: Tohomobile Staff Blog + linhkawaii
Translation: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
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