NHK Backstage de Music Japan

19 de Mayo (Miercoles), 2010/05/20
Jaejoong vino a animar a Junsu……
Esta mañana, XIAH junsu performó en el programa de Music Japan, el cual fue filmado en vivo en frente de una audiencia en el salón de NHK.
Ha pasado un largo tiempo desde su última aparición en Kouhaku.
Apasionadamente cantó su solo con los bailarines.
Gracias a todos ustedes que vinieron a apoyarlo.
Para aquellos que no pudieron venir, por favor esperen la emisión.

Oh, Jaejoong vino para animar a Junsu antes de la presentación.
Los dos estuvieron divirtiendose haciendo creer que "El compañero menor Jaejoong está cuidando del mayor Junsu".
Jaejoong estuvo interpretando el rol del asistende del estilista, y estaba
colgando de su cintura una cinta de embalaje y de vinilo. Estaba continuamente jugando alrededor de Junsu, pasandole toallas y bebidas.

Trad al Ingles: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Trad al Español: 2uangels.blogspot.com
Creditos: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }


May 19 (Wed), 2010/05/20
Jaejoong came to cheer Junsu……

This Monday, XIAH junsu performed in MJ’s program, which was filmed in front of the live audience at NHK Hall.
It has been a long time since his last apprearance in Kouhaku.
He passionately sung his solo song with the dancers.
Thank you for all of you who came to support him at the hall.
For those who could not come, please look forward to the broadcast.

Oh, Jaejoong came to cheer on Junsu before the performance.
The two were having fun making believe that “The junior fellow Jaejoong is taking care of the senior Junsu”.
Jaejoong was playing the role of the assistant stylist, and he was dangling packing tape and vinyl tape from his waist. He was continuously playing around Junsu, handing him towels and drinks.

Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
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