De un Blog Japones
19.04.2010 Lunes
showcase de Junho♪
Fui al showcase de Junho~~~~~~
Se que todos estan ansiosos por nuestro Junsu.
Haré un breve informe, asi que todos ustedes pueden reponerse a sí mismos con el actual Junsu...
El Showcase de Junho fue por dos hora.
El Salón JBC estaba lleno de linternas moradas, hasta el 3er piso.
Esta vez, no habian linternas rojas.
Creo que el programa fue similar al de Beijing.
Una hora pasó antes que Junsu apareciera sobre el escenario...
Durante ese tiempo, Junho performó su canción bailable china, mostró el PV, y la preparación de las imagenes antes de que el debut de Junho sea mostrado...
Junho estaba haciendo lo mejor de sí mismo en aprender la pronunciación del chino, el baile y la vocalización.
Hubieron imagenes de la reuniones familiares cenando, en el Karaoke, y sesiones de bebidas, para apoyar a Junho durante sus días de preparación.
En esa imagen, Junsu estaba dando consejos como un mayor.
Despues de eso, en el Karaoke, su amigo Yongpil se unió a ellos y aumentó el estado de ánimo.
Junsu, aunque estaba sentado, cantó MIROTIC♪
Despues, durante bebian con sus amigos el ingles de Junsu fue presentado...
(algunas oraciones omitidas)
Junsu parecía como si estuviera bebiendo cerveza~ su rostro estaba un poco rojo~ parecía estar disfrutandolo con sus amigos. Junsu en la pantalla se le veía tan lindo.
A pesar que era solo un video, me dolía el corazón~~~
Junho fue al backstage para cambiar su ropa, hubieron imagenes en la pantalla, y luego...
Junsu apareció sobre el escenario~~
La canción fue "Greatest Love of All" ♪
Junsu apareció del centro del escenario, usando un traje negro ajustado.
En "Mozart!", tenía mucho maquillaje, asi que ha pasado un largo tiempo desde que fui capaz de ver su rostro natural...
Escuché el rumor que estaba llendo a un salon de bronceado, y su rostro no estaba tan blanco~~~
Se veía un poco cansado, y escuché que Junho se resfrió, asi que quizas ambos hermanos tenian (el resfriado)...{un poco preocupada}
Pero, su canción era...
Quizas fue por que comenzó a performar en musicales~~
No puedo ponerlo en palabras, pero anteriormente, Junsu comenzaba a cantar canciones en una ligéra voz, peroe sta vez, su voz era profunda y pesada desde el comienzo!
Pense~ oh~ esto debe ser una técnica que logró a través de los musicales...
Junsu siempre performa en un estilo perfecto, pero siempre va más lejos y se dedica a él mismo más y más, como si no haya limite TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
Su aparición desde el centro del escenario, llevando un micrófono, fue verdaderamente un señorío.
Sus expresiones durante las partes tranquilas y enérgicas fueron realmente maduras...
Como con la presentación de Mozart, cuando Junsu se agachaba y caminaba rápido en el escenario para ir a todas partes,
Estaba llena de lágrimas TTTTTTTTT
Hasta ahora, pense que Junsu ha performado en tantos escenarios, él a veces parecía estar nervioso y tímido cuando performa solo... pero esta vez, estaba en estado.
El tamaño del salón era bastante pequeño y la distancia entre la audiencia y Junsu era muy cercana, pero Junsu mismo estaba atrapando las miradas de la audiencia una por una, mientras cantaba la canción. Pensé que fui capaz de ver un verdadero artista maduro. Junsu manejó la última parte de la canción larga y estable, y realmente se metió en mi corazón.
Como siempre, la voz de Junsu es hermosa~ Por que su canción se mete en mi corazón... TTTTT
Junsu solo cantó una canción, pero hubo la "Plática de Gemelos" que duró cerca de 15 minutos♪
Primero que todos, Junsu solo estaba intercambiando simples saludos con el/la anfitrión(a).
"Hoy vine para apoyar y animar a mi hermano Junho. Estoy más nervioso que mi hermano...
Mi hermano estaba performando mejor de lo que esperaba, pensé que estar haciendo lo mejor de sí mismo es hermoso."
Despues de pensar un poco, Junsu respondió a la pregunta, "Como cambió Junho durante su periodod de debut?" diciendo "Cambió de muchas maneras... y ahora está más masculino~ oh, por supuesto no era una chica (lol). Parece ser llamativo... La imagen carismática? (lol) la que apunte, él es mucho mejor que yo. Pense que esto es un juego que debes ganar."
Oh Junsu~~~~ tus pláticas siempre son divertidas~~ el salón estaba lleno de risas.
Luego, era el tiempo para que Junsu llame a su hermano Junho, quien estaba esperando en el otro extremo. ÉL dijo "Como debo llamarlo? Umm... Juno~♪"
Junho estaba sonriendo mientras aparecía sobre el escenario, los dos se abrazaron. Junsu estaba sonriendo con un sonrisa tímida. El pequeño Junsu encajo en Junho (lol) Junsu quien es un poco más pequeño que Junho, se veía muy lindo, y mi corazón se dió un vuelvo de nuevo. (Junsu no es pequeño, pero Junho es alto...)
Depsues, los dos se sentaron juntos en el centro del escenario, y la hora de hablar juntos con el anfitrión y el intérprete comenzó.
Junho y Junsu se miraron mutuamente, y Junsu dijo
"Somo gemelos~~ quizas ustedes no pueden creernos, pero somos Gemelos biovulares!"
A la pregunta del anfitrión para Junsu, "Qué tipo de Hermano fue Junho para tí?", Junsu respondió, "Mi hermano fue como un hermano mayor desde nuestra niñez, siempre era considerado, siempre cariñoso conmigo, y fuimos capaces de llevarnos bien juntos. Realmente es mi hermano mayor, tiendo a olvidar que es mi hermano gemelo, estoy muy agradecido."
Allí, Junho prguntó "Me amas?" (lol)
Junsu "Si, te amo (lol)"
Junho "Arigato Gojaimasu" (N/T: Gracias. La verdadera palabra es "Arigato Gozaimasu".)
Junsu "Estoy tan agradecido!" (lol)
Junsu, la palabra "considerado" salió tan bien... oh, su japones está bien~
De Junho, "Mi hermano es como un hermano menor... Aunque somos de la misma posición, gemelos, siempre me llama el hermano mayor. Debe haber tenido sentimientos complicados ya que somos gemelos... Le agradezco por siempre respetarme como un hermano mayor. Como un cantante, es el un gran senior (n/t:de más experiencia), le doy las gracias, soy capaz de estar de pie en el escenario hoy."
Junho dijo todo esto en Coreano. Despues, le pidió a Junsu "Por favor traducelo (a japones)", pero Junsu parecía estar avergonzado, asi que al final, el intérprete tradujo sus palabras.
Junsu "Dalo todo!" (lol)
Junho "Arigato Gojaimasu"
El afitrión pidió a los hermanos revelar un episodio especial aquí, y Junsu dijo,
"Nos levantamos maliciosos...demasiado... una mujer... una amiga, le pellizcamos y la hicimos estallar en llanto...
Oh, eso era en nuestra infancia~nos gustaba, asi que le pellizcamos un poco~"
Anfitrión/a "Esa chica es muy afortunada, haber sido hecha romper en llanto por ustedes dos~ (lol)" Junsu rompio en risas.
"Asi que, ustedes son adultos ahora, asi que no haran a chicas llorar así?" (Oh~ gracias por preguntar eso)
Junsu "No, no, no haría ese tipo de cosas~ (sonriendo tímidamente)~ yo... realmente.. la amaré."
La audiencia esta llena de kya~~~~~~~~~~~~
Anfitrión/a "Quién es el más fuerte? Cuando tienen una pelea, que lado gana......?"
Junsu "Quizas no nos creeran, pero nunca hemos peleado~"
Junho "Si, es cierto" (N/T: lo dijo en japones)
Junsu "Siempre hemos trabajado juntos... por ejemplo, le ganamos a un estudiante de secundaria cuando estabamos en primaria peleando juntos~(lol)"
(Los son reamente son unos hermanos amorosos.)
Hubo un mensaje y consejo de Junsu para Junho.
Junsu "Cuanho te pares sobre el escenario, quiero que pienses que eres el mejor en el mundo... la audiencia lo sabrá... es realmente importante como un artista, creo."
(Aplausos de la audiencia~~)
Anfitrión(a) "Mandale un grito a tu hermano."
Junsu "Creo que... daras lo mejor de tí como lo has hecho hasta ahora~
Realmente... umm (preguntando al intérprete por la palabra en japones, lol) Oh, genuino. Es una persona genuina~
Realmente... no tengo nada que decir acerca de este punto... Yo creo en él.
Está realmente haciendo lo mejor... (sonriendo tímidamente)"
(Junho estaba riendo fuertemente).
Al final, fuimos capaces de escuhcar un mensaje de Junsu para los fans.
Ha pasado bastante tiempo desde que me reuní con ustedes cara a cara...
Pronto... el momento que podamos reunirnos...
Creo que habrá muchas oportunidades... todos... por favor, un poco....
Esperen por nosotros.
Muchas gracias.
(se inclina)
Nos reuniremos de nuevo? Junsu, las oportunidades que podremos reunirnos incrementaran en el futuro?
Junsu fue tan considerado, no se olvido de decir que "Hoy es el Showcase de Junho. Por favor disfrutenlo hasta el último minuto."
Tu corte de cabello era el estilo MIRO, y el largo era más desigual (lol) Sus cejas estan ligeramente delgadas...
Tenía un ligero bronceado. Puede que sea que estaba con su hermano... él estaba sonriendo tímidamente, su ukyankyang no ha cambiado~
No estaba nerviosos, parecía relajado, bien por tí, Junsu!
Si tuviera un hermano menor como Junsu... adorable y lindo.
Junho parecía más relajado despues que Junsu apareció en el escenario, aunque tímidamente, mirandose entre sí, mirando otro lugar, tan natural...
Parece Junsu~~ las líneas de sus mandíbulas~~
Algunas veces us expresiones y gestos son los mismos (lamía sus labios varias veces, lol),
Junho parecía ser el mísmo Junsu, mi corazón estaba latiendo.
Viendo a Junho, Yo estaba melancólica otra vez...
Junho! Estaba hanciendo lo mejor de sí mismo para su canto y baile. Escuche que su sueño es convertirse en un actor, asi que por favor muestra tu rostro a menudo por este debut. Y, en el futuro, por favor conviertete en un encantador artista. Si es el deseo de Junsu, realmente quiero que el deseo sea alcanzado!
Junsu! Estoy esperando por tí~~ Creo que el día que podamos reunirnos mas veces esta cerca, al alcance de mi mano...
Fuente: diary-xiah☆ (sora’s blog)
Trad al Ingles: smiley @
Trad al Español:
Creditos: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
19.04.2010 Lunes
showcase de Junho♪
Fui al showcase de Junho~~~~~~
Se que todos estan ansiosos por nuestro Junsu.
Haré un breve informe, asi que todos ustedes pueden reponerse a sí mismos con el actual Junsu...
El Showcase de Junho fue por dos hora.
El Salón JBC estaba lleno de linternas moradas, hasta el 3er piso.
Esta vez, no habian linternas rojas.
Creo que el programa fue similar al de Beijing.
Una hora pasó antes que Junsu apareciera sobre el escenario...
Durante ese tiempo, Junho performó su canción bailable china, mostró el PV, y la preparación de las imagenes antes de que el debut de Junho sea mostrado...
Junho estaba haciendo lo mejor de sí mismo en aprender la pronunciación del chino, el baile y la vocalización.
Hubieron imagenes de la reuniones familiares cenando, en el Karaoke, y sesiones de bebidas, para apoyar a Junho durante sus días de preparación.
En esa imagen, Junsu estaba dando consejos como un mayor.
Despues de eso, en el Karaoke, su amigo Yongpil se unió a ellos y aumentó el estado de ánimo.
Junsu, aunque estaba sentado, cantó MIROTIC♪
Despues, durante bebian con sus amigos el ingles de Junsu fue presentado...
(algunas oraciones omitidas)
Junsu parecía como si estuviera bebiendo cerveza~ su rostro estaba un poco rojo~ parecía estar disfrutandolo con sus amigos. Junsu en la pantalla se le veía tan lindo.
A pesar que era solo un video, me dolía el corazón~~~
Junho fue al backstage para cambiar su ropa, hubieron imagenes en la pantalla, y luego...
Junsu apareció sobre el escenario~~
La canción fue "Greatest Love of All" ♪
Junsu apareció del centro del escenario, usando un traje negro ajustado.
En "Mozart!", tenía mucho maquillaje, asi que ha pasado un largo tiempo desde que fui capaz de ver su rostro natural...
Escuché el rumor que estaba llendo a un salon de bronceado, y su rostro no estaba tan blanco~~~
Se veía un poco cansado, y escuché que Junho se resfrió, asi que quizas ambos hermanos tenian (el resfriado)...{un poco preocupada}
Pero, su canción era...
Quizas fue por que comenzó a performar en musicales~~
No puedo ponerlo en palabras, pero anteriormente, Junsu comenzaba a cantar canciones en una ligéra voz, peroe sta vez, su voz era profunda y pesada desde el comienzo!
Pense~ oh~ esto debe ser una técnica que logró a través de los musicales...
Junsu siempre performa en un estilo perfecto, pero siempre va más lejos y se dedica a él mismo más y más, como si no haya limite TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
Su aparición desde el centro del escenario, llevando un micrófono, fue verdaderamente un señorío.
Sus expresiones durante las partes tranquilas y enérgicas fueron realmente maduras...
Como con la presentación de Mozart, cuando Junsu se agachaba y caminaba rápido en el escenario para ir a todas partes,
Estaba llena de lágrimas TTTTTTTTT
Hasta ahora, pense que Junsu ha performado en tantos escenarios, él a veces parecía estar nervioso y tímido cuando performa solo... pero esta vez, estaba en estado.
El tamaño del salón era bastante pequeño y la distancia entre la audiencia y Junsu era muy cercana, pero Junsu mismo estaba atrapando las miradas de la audiencia una por una, mientras cantaba la canción. Pensé que fui capaz de ver un verdadero artista maduro. Junsu manejó la última parte de la canción larga y estable, y realmente se metió en mi corazón.
Como siempre, la voz de Junsu es hermosa~ Por que su canción se mete en mi corazón... TTTTT
Junsu solo cantó una canción, pero hubo la "Plática de Gemelos" que duró cerca de 15 minutos♪
Primero que todos, Junsu solo estaba intercambiando simples saludos con el/la anfitrión(a).
"Hoy vine para apoyar y animar a mi hermano Junho. Estoy más nervioso que mi hermano...
Mi hermano estaba performando mejor de lo que esperaba, pensé que estar haciendo lo mejor de sí mismo es hermoso."
Despues de pensar un poco, Junsu respondió a la pregunta, "Como cambió Junho durante su periodod de debut?" diciendo "Cambió de muchas maneras... y ahora está más masculino~ oh, por supuesto no era una chica (lol). Parece ser llamativo... La imagen carismática? (lol) la que apunte, él es mucho mejor que yo. Pense que esto es un juego que debes ganar."
Oh Junsu~~~~ tus pláticas siempre son divertidas~~ el salón estaba lleno de risas.
Luego, era el tiempo para que Junsu llame a su hermano Junho, quien estaba esperando en el otro extremo. ÉL dijo "Como debo llamarlo? Umm... Juno~♪"
Junho estaba sonriendo mientras aparecía sobre el escenario, los dos se abrazaron. Junsu estaba sonriendo con un sonrisa tímida. El pequeño Junsu encajo en Junho (lol) Junsu quien es un poco más pequeño que Junho, se veía muy lindo, y mi corazón se dió un vuelvo de nuevo. (Junsu no es pequeño, pero Junho es alto...)
Depsues, los dos se sentaron juntos en el centro del escenario, y la hora de hablar juntos con el anfitrión y el intérprete comenzó.
Junho y Junsu se miraron mutuamente, y Junsu dijo
"Somo gemelos~~ quizas ustedes no pueden creernos, pero somos Gemelos biovulares!"
A la pregunta del anfitrión para Junsu, "Qué tipo de Hermano fue Junho para tí?", Junsu respondió, "Mi hermano fue como un hermano mayor desde nuestra niñez, siempre era considerado, siempre cariñoso conmigo, y fuimos capaces de llevarnos bien juntos. Realmente es mi hermano mayor, tiendo a olvidar que es mi hermano gemelo, estoy muy agradecido."
Allí, Junho prguntó "Me amas?" (lol)
Junsu "Si, te amo (lol)"
Junho "Arigato Gojaimasu" (N/T: Gracias. La verdadera palabra es "Arigato Gozaimasu".)
Junsu "Estoy tan agradecido!" (lol)
Junsu, la palabra "considerado" salió tan bien... oh, su japones está bien~
De Junho, "Mi hermano es como un hermano menor... Aunque somos de la misma posición, gemelos, siempre me llama el hermano mayor. Debe haber tenido sentimientos complicados ya que somos gemelos... Le agradezco por siempre respetarme como un hermano mayor. Como un cantante, es el un gran senior (n/t:de más experiencia), le doy las gracias, soy capaz de estar de pie en el escenario hoy."
Junho dijo todo esto en Coreano. Despues, le pidió a Junsu "Por favor traducelo (a japones)", pero Junsu parecía estar avergonzado, asi que al final, el intérprete tradujo sus palabras.
Junsu "Dalo todo!" (lol)
Junho "Arigato Gojaimasu"
El afitrión pidió a los hermanos revelar un episodio especial aquí, y Junsu dijo,
"Nos levantamos maliciosos...demasiado... una mujer... una amiga, le pellizcamos y la hicimos estallar en llanto...
Oh, eso era en nuestra infancia~nos gustaba, asi que le pellizcamos un poco~"
Anfitrión/a "Esa chica es muy afortunada, haber sido hecha romper en llanto por ustedes dos~ (lol)" Junsu rompio en risas.
"Asi que, ustedes son adultos ahora, asi que no haran a chicas llorar así?" (Oh~ gracias por preguntar eso)
Junsu "No, no, no haría ese tipo de cosas~ (sonriendo tímidamente)~ yo... realmente.. la amaré."
La audiencia esta llena de kya~~~~~~~~~~~~
Anfitrión/a "Quién es el más fuerte? Cuando tienen una pelea, que lado gana......?"
Junsu "Quizas no nos creeran, pero nunca hemos peleado~"
Junho "Si, es cierto" (N/T: lo dijo en japones)
Junsu "Siempre hemos trabajado juntos... por ejemplo, le ganamos a un estudiante de secundaria cuando estabamos en primaria peleando juntos~(lol)"
(Los son reamente son unos hermanos amorosos.)
Hubo un mensaje y consejo de Junsu para Junho.
Junsu "Cuanho te pares sobre el escenario, quiero que pienses que eres el mejor en el mundo... la audiencia lo sabrá... es realmente importante como un artista, creo."
(Aplausos de la audiencia~~)
Anfitrión(a) "Mandale un grito a tu hermano."
Junsu "Creo que... daras lo mejor de tí como lo has hecho hasta ahora~
Realmente... umm (preguntando al intérprete por la palabra en japones, lol) Oh, genuino. Es una persona genuina~
Realmente... no tengo nada que decir acerca de este punto... Yo creo en él.
Está realmente haciendo lo mejor... (sonriendo tímidamente)"
(Junho estaba riendo fuertemente).
Al final, fuimos capaces de escuhcar un mensaje de Junsu para los fans.
Ha pasado bastante tiempo desde que me reuní con ustedes cara a cara...
Pronto... el momento que podamos reunirnos...
Creo que habrá muchas oportunidades... todos... por favor, un poco....
Esperen por nosotros.
Muchas gracias.
(se inclina)
Nos reuniremos de nuevo? Junsu, las oportunidades que podremos reunirnos incrementaran en el futuro?
Junsu fue tan considerado, no se olvido de decir que "Hoy es el Showcase de Junho. Por favor disfrutenlo hasta el último minuto."
Tu corte de cabello era el estilo MIRO, y el largo era más desigual (lol) Sus cejas estan ligeramente delgadas...
Tenía un ligero bronceado. Puede que sea que estaba con su hermano... él estaba sonriendo tímidamente, su ukyankyang no ha cambiado~
No estaba nerviosos, parecía relajado, bien por tí, Junsu!
Si tuviera un hermano menor como Junsu... adorable y lindo.
Junho parecía más relajado despues que Junsu apareció en el escenario, aunque tímidamente, mirandose entre sí, mirando otro lugar, tan natural...
Parece Junsu~~ las líneas de sus mandíbulas~~
Algunas veces us expresiones y gestos son los mismos (lamía sus labios varias veces, lol),
Junho parecía ser el mísmo Junsu, mi corazón estaba latiendo.
Viendo a Junho, Yo estaba melancólica otra vez...
Junho! Estaba hanciendo lo mejor de sí mismo para su canto y baile. Escuche que su sueño es convertirse en un actor, asi que por favor muestra tu rostro a menudo por este debut. Y, en el futuro, por favor conviertete en un encantador artista. Si es el deseo de Junsu, realmente quiero que el deseo sea alcanzado!
Junsu! Estoy esperando por tí~~ Creo que el día que podamos reunirnos mas veces esta cerca, al alcance de mi mano...
Fuente: diary-xiah☆ (sora’s blog)
Trad al Ingles: smiley @
Trad al Español:
Creditos: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }








From a Japanese Blog
2010.04.19 Monday
Junho’s Showcase♪
I went to Junho's showcase~~~~~~~
I know everyone is anxious about our Junsu.
I will make a brief report, so all of you can replenish yourselves with the current Junsu…
Junho’s showcase was for full two hours.
The JCB Hall was full with purple lam penlights, up to the 3rd floor.
This time, there were no red penlights.
I think the program was similar to that of Beijing’s.
One hour passed before Junsu appeared on stage…
During the time, Junho performed his Chinese debut dance song, showcased the PV, and the preparation images before Junho’s debut was shown....
Junho was doing his best learning the Chinese pronunciation, dance, and vocalization.
There were family gathering images of dinner, karaoke, and drinking sessions, to support Junho during his preparation days~
At that image, Junsu was making advices as a senior.
After that, in Karaoke, their friend Yongpil joined them and boosted the mood.
Junsu, though sitting, sung the MIROTIC♪
Afterwards, during the drinking session with friends, Junsu’s English was introduced…
(few words omitted)
Junsu seemed as though he was drinking beer~ his face was a little bit red~ he seemed to be enjoying himself with his friends. Junsu in the image was very cute.
Even though it was just a video, my heart ached~~~
Junho went backstage to change his clothes, there were screen images, and then…
Junsu appeared on stage~~
The song was "Greatest Love of All" ♪
Junsu appeared from the center of the stage, wearing a black tight suit.
At "Mozart", he had so much makeup, so it has been a long time since I was able to see his natural face…
I heard a rumor that he was going to a tanning salon, and his face was not so white~~~
He looked a little bit tired, and I heard that Junho had caught a cold, so maybe both the brothers had them..(a little bit worried)
But, his song was..
Maybe it was because he started to perform in musicals~~
I cannot put into correct words, but previously, Junsu started to sing songs in a thin voice, but this time, his voice was deep and heavy from the beginning!
I thought~ oh~ this should be a technique he achieved through the musicals…
Junsu always performs in a perfect style, but he always goes further and devotes himself more and more, as though there is no limitTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
His appearance from the center of the stage, holding a microphone, was true stateliness.
His expressions during both the quiet and the heartily parts were really matured…
As with the Mozart performance, when Junsu bend down and walked fast on stage to go to all sides,
I was full of tearsTTTTTTTT
Until now, though Junsu have performed on many stages, he sometimes seemed to be nervous and bashful when performing alone… but this time, he was in state.
The size of the hall was rather small and the distance between the audience and Junsu was very near, but Junsu himself was catching the eyes of the audience one by one during singing the song. I thought that I was able to see a true matured artist.
Junsu arranged the last part of the song long and stable, and it really got into my heart.
As always, Junsu's vocal is lovely~ why should his song get so much into my heart..TTTTT
Junsu sang only one song, but there were the "Twins' talk" for about 15 minutes♪
First of all, Junsu alone was exchanging simple greetings with the host.
"Today I came to support and cheer my brother Junho. I am more nervous than my brother...
My brother was performing better than I expected, I thought his doing his best is lovely."
After thinking a little, Junsu answered to the question, "How did Junho change during his debut period?" as, "He changed in many ways.. and he is now very manly~ oh, of course he wasn't a girl (lol). He seems to be flamboyant.. The charismatic image ? (Lol) that I aimed, he is far better than me. I thought this is a must-win game."
Oh Junsu~~ your talks are always funny~~ the hall was full of laughter.
Then, it was time for Junsu to call his brother Junho, who was waiting at the wing. He said "How should I call him? Umm.. Juno~♪"
Junho was smiling as he appeared on stage, and the two embraced each other. Junsu was smiling a shy smile. Little Junsu completely fit into Junho (Lol) Junsu, who is slightly smaller than Junho, looked very cute, and my heart missed a beat again. (Junsu is not short, but Junho is the one who’s tall…)
Afterwards, the two sat together in the center of the stage, and the talk time together with the host and the interpreter started.
Junho and Junsu looked at each other, and Junsu said
"We are twins~~ maybe you cannot believe us, but we are biovular twins!"
To the question from the host to Junsu, "What kind of brother was Junho to you?",
Junsu answered, "My brother was like an elder brother from our chilidhood days, he was always considerate, always kind to me, and we were able to get well together. He is really my elder brother, I tend to forget that he is my twin brother, I am so thankful."
There, Junho asked "Do you love me?" (Lol)
Junsu "Yes, I love you (Lol)"
Junho "Arigato Gojaimasu" (T/N: thank you. The true word is "Arigato Gozaimasu".)
Junsu "I am so thankful!" (Lol)
Junsu, the word "considerate" came out so smoothly... oh, his Japanese is OK~
From Junho, "My brother is really like a younger brother.. Though we are in the same position, twins, he always called me the elder brother. He should have had complicated feelings since we are twins.. I thank him for always respecting me as an elder brother. As a singer, he is a great senior, and thanks to him, I am able to stand on today’s stage."
Junho said all this in Korean. Afterwards, he requested to Junsu "Please translate (T/N: to Japanese)", but Junsu seemed to be embarrassed, so at the last, the interpreter translated his words.
Junsu "Give it your all!" (Lol)
Junho "Arigato Gojaimasu"
The host requested that the brothers disclose an episode especially here, and Junsu said,
"We got up to mischief.. too far...a lady...a friend (a girl), we picked on her, and we made her burst into tears....
Oh, it was back in our childhood days~ we liked her, so we picked on her a little~"
Host "That girl is so lucky, to have been made into tears by you two~ (Lol)." Junsu burst into laughing.
"So, you are now an adult, so you won’t make ladies cry like that?" (Oh~ thank you host for asking the question.)
Junsu "No, no, I won’t do that kind of things~ (smiling bashfully)~ I will …really.. love her."
The audience was full of kya~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Host "Which is stronger? When you have a fight, which side wins.....?"
Junsu "Maybe you won’t believe us, but we have never quarreled~"
Junho "Yes, its true" (T/N: in Japanese)
Junsu "We always worked together.. for instance, we beat a junior high school student when we were in elementary school by fighting together~ (Lol)"
(The two are really loving brothers.)
There was a message and advice from Junsu to Junho.
Junsu "When you stand on stage, I want you to think that you are the best in the world....the audience will know.. it is really important as an artist, I think."
(applause from the audience~~)
Host "Send a yell to your brother."
Junsu "I think that… you will do your best as you have done until this date~
Really… umm (asking the interpreter for the Japanese word, lol) Oh, genuine. He is a genuine person~
Really…I don’t have anything to say about this point…I believe in him.
He is truly doing his best… (smiling bashfully)"
(Junho was laughing out loud).
In the very last, we were able to hear Junsu's messages to the fans.
It has been really quite a while since I met face to face with all of you....
Soon....the time that we can meet will...
I think that there will be many chances....everyone....please, a little bit....
Wait for us.
Thank you very much.
Can we meet again? Junsu, will the chances that we can meet increase in the future?
Junsu was so considerate, he did not forget to say "Today is Junho's showcase. Please enjoy yourselves to the last minute."
Your haircut was the MIRO style, and the length was more uneven (Lol) His eyebrows are slightly thin...
He had a little suntan. It may be that he was with his brother.. he was smiling bashfully, his ukyankyang hasn't canged~
He wasn't nervous, he seemed relaxed, good for you, Junsu!
If I had a younger brother like Junsu… adorable and cute.
Junho seemed more relaxed after Junsu appeared onstage, though bashful, looking at each other, or looking away, so natural..
Resemblances Junsu~~ the lines of his jaws~~
Sometimes his expressions and gestures are the very same (licking his lips many times, lol),
Junho seemed to be the very Junsu, my heart was beating..
Watching Junho, I was wistful again…
Junho! He was doing his best for his singing and dancing. I hear that his dream is to become an actor, so please show your face often by this debut. And, in the future, please become a lovely artist. If it is Junsu’s wish, I really want the wish to be achieved!
Junsu! I’m waiting for you~~ I believe that the day we can meet many times are close at hand.....
Source: diary-xiah☆ (sora’s blog)
Translation: smiley @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
2010.04.19 Monday
Junho’s Showcase♪
I went to Junho's showcase~~~~~~~
I know everyone is anxious about our Junsu.
I will make a brief report, so all of you can replenish yourselves with the current Junsu…
Junho’s showcase was for full two hours.
The JCB Hall was full with purple lam penlights, up to the 3rd floor.
This time, there were no red penlights.
I think the program was similar to that of Beijing’s.
One hour passed before Junsu appeared on stage…
During the time, Junho performed his Chinese debut dance song, showcased the PV, and the preparation images before Junho’s debut was shown....
Junho was doing his best learning the Chinese pronunciation, dance, and vocalization.
There were family gathering images of dinner, karaoke, and drinking sessions, to support Junho during his preparation days~
At that image, Junsu was making advices as a senior.
After that, in Karaoke, their friend Yongpil joined them and boosted the mood.
Junsu, though sitting, sung the MIROTIC♪
Afterwards, during the drinking session with friends, Junsu’s English was introduced…
(few words omitted)
Junsu seemed as though he was drinking beer~ his face was a little bit red~ he seemed to be enjoying himself with his friends. Junsu in the image was very cute.
Even though it was just a video, my heart ached~~~
Junho went backstage to change his clothes, there were screen images, and then…
Junsu appeared on stage~~
The song was "Greatest Love of All" ♪
Junsu appeared from the center of the stage, wearing a black tight suit.
At "Mozart", he had so much makeup, so it has been a long time since I was able to see his natural face…
I heard a rumor that he was going to a tanning salon, and his face was not so white~~~
He looked a little bit tired, and I heard that Junho had caught a cold, so maybe both the brothers had them..(a little bit worried)
But, his song was..
Maybe it was because he started to perform in musicals~~
I cannot put into correct words, but previously, Junsu started to sing songs in a thin voice, but this time, his voice was deep and heavy from the beginning!
I thought~ oh~ this should be a technique he achieved through the musicals…
Junsu always performs in a perfect style, but he always goes further and devotes himself more and more, as though there is no limitTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
His appearance from the center of the stage, holding a microphone, was true stateliness.
His expressions during both the quiet and the heartily parts were really matured…
As with the Mozart performance, when Junsu bend down and walked fast on stage to go to all sides,
I was full of tearsTTTTTTTT
Until now, though Junsu have performed on many stages, he sometimes seemed to be nervous and bashful when performing alone… but this time, he was in state.
The size of the hall was rather small and the distance between the audience and Junsu was very near, but Junsu himself was catching the eyes of the audience one by one during singing the song. I thought that I was able to see a true matured artist.
Junsu arranged the last part of the song long and stable, and it really got into my heart.
As always, Junsu's vocal is lovely~ why should his song get so much into my heart..TTTTT
Junsu sang only one song, but there were the "Twins' talk" for about 15 minutes♪
First of all, Junsu alone was exchanging simple greetings with the host.
"Today I came to support and cheer my brother Junho. I am more nervous than my brother...
My brother was performing better than I expected, I thought his doing his best is lovely."
After thinking a little, Junsu answered to the question, "How did Junho change during his debut period?" as, "He changed in many ways.. and he is now very manly~ oh, of course he wasn't a girl (lol). He seems to be flamboyant.. The charismatic image ? (Lol) that I aimed, he is far better than me. I thought this is a must-win game."
Oh Junsu~~ your talks are always funny~~ the hall was full of laughter.
Then, it was time for Junsu to call his brother Junho, who was waiting at the wing. He said "How should I call him? Umm.. Juno~♪"
Junho was smiling as he appeared on stage, and the two embraced each other. Junsu was smiling a shy smile. Little Junsu completely fit into Junho (Lol) Junsu, who is slightly smaller than Junho, looked very cute, and my heart missed a beat again. (Junsu is not short, but Junho is the one who’s tall…)
Afterwards, the two sat together in the center of the stage, and the talk time together with the host and the interpreter started.
Junho and Junsu looked at each other, and Junsu said
"We are twins~~ maybe you cannot believe us, but we are biovular twins!"
To the question from the host to Junsu, "What kind of brother was Junho to you?",
Junsu answered, "My brother was like an elder brother from our chilidhood days, he was always considerate, always kind to me, and we were able to get well together. He is really my elder brother, I tend to forget that he is my twin brother, I am so thankful."
There, Junho asked "Do you love me?" (Lol)
Junsu "Yes, I love you (Lol)"
Junho "Arigato Gojaimasu" (T/N: thank you. The true word is "Arigato Gozaimasu".)
Junsu "I am so thankful!" (Lol)
Junsu, the word "considerate" came out so smoothly... oh, his Japanese is OK~
From Junho, "My brother is really like a younger brother.. Though we are in the same position, twins, he always called me the elder brother. He should have had complicated feelings since we are twins.. I thank him for always respecting me as an elder brother. As a singer, he is a great senior, and thanks to him, I am able to stand on today’s stage."
Junho said all this in Korean. Afterwards, he requested to Junsu "Please translate (T/N: to Japanese)", but Junsu seemed to be embarrassed, so at the last, the interpreter translated his words.
Junsu "Give it your all!" (Lol)
Junho "Arigato Gojaimasu"
The host requested that the brothers disclose an episode especially here, and Junsu said,
"We got up to mischief.. too far...a lady...a friend (a girl), we picked on her, and we made her burst into tears....
Oh, it was back in our childhood days~ we liked her, so we picked on her a little~"
Host "That girl is so lucky, to have been made into tears by you two~ (Lol)." Junsu burst into laughing.
"So, you are now an adult, so you won’t make ladies cry like that?" (Oh~ thank you host for asking the question.)
Junsu "No, no, I won’t do that kind of things~ (smiling bashfully)~ I will …really.. love her."
The audience was full of kya~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Host "Which is stronger? When you have a fight, which side wins.....?"
Junsu "Maybe you won’t believe us, but we have never quarreled~"
Junho "Yes, its true" (T/N: in Japanese)
Junsu "We always worked together.. for instance, we beat a junior high school student when we were in elementary school by fighting together~ (Lol)"
(The two are really loving brothers.)
There was a message and advice from Junsu to Junho.
Junsu "When you stand on stage, I want you to think that you are the best in the world....the audience will know.. it is really important as an artist, I think."
(applause from the audience~~)
Host "Send a yell to your brother."
Junsu "I think that… you will do your best as you have done until this date~
Really… umm (asking the interpreter for the Japanese word, lol) Oh, genuine. He is a genuine person~
Really…I don’t have anything to say about this point…I believe in him.
He is truly doing his best… (smiling bashfully)"
(Junho was laughing out loud).
In the very last, we were able to hear Junsu's messages to the fans.
It has been really quite a while since I met face to face with all of you....
Soon....the time that we can meet will...
I think that there will be many chances....everyone....please, a little bit....
Wait for us.
Thank you very much.
Can we meet again? Junsu, will the chances that we can meet increase in the future?
Junsu was so considerate, he did not forget to say "Today is Junho's showcase. Please enjoy yourselves to the last minute."
Your haircut was the MIRO style, and the length was more uneven (Lol) His eyebrows are slightly thin...
He had a little suntan. It may be that he was with his brother.. he was smiling bashfully, his ukyankyang hasn't canged~
He wasn't nervous, he seemed relaxed, good for you, Junsu!
If I had a younger brother like Junsu… adorable and cute.
Junho seemed more relaxed after Junsu appeared onstage, though bashful, looking at each other, or looking away, so natural..
Resemblances Junsu~~ the lines of his jaws~~
Sometimes his expressions and gestures are the very same (licking his lips many times, lol),
Junho seemed to be the very Junsu, my heart was beating..
Watching Junho, I was wistful again…
Junho! He was doing his best for his singing and dancing. I hear that his dream is to become an actor, so please show your face often by this debut. And, in the future, please become a lovely artist. If it is Junsu’s wish, I really want the wish to be achieved!
Junsu! I’m waiting for you~~ I believe that the day we can meet many times are close at hand.....
Source: diary-xiah☆ (sora’s blog)
Translation: smiley @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
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